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Coordinator Prof. Enrico SALVADORI


Tasks. The educational committee has decision-making power, granted by the Study Program Council, in the ordinary management of student affairs, particularly evaluating and approving:

  • Individual requests for recognition of foreign qualifications for further studies within the Study Program.
  • The type and amount of credit recognition for courses taken by students at other universities or institutions.
  • Requests for review of academic records submitted by dismissed students.

Representatives from Academic world 

  1. Maria Cristina Paganini President of the Master degree in Materials Science
  2. Paola Rizzi President  of the Bachelor degree in Materials Science
  3. Bartolomeo Civalleri Coordinator of the PhD Course in Chemical and Materials Science
  4. Marco Truccato Representative for the Physics Department

Representatives from Institutions

  1. Stefano Molina Unione Industriale
  2. Renato Tomasso President of ordine dei Chimici e dei Fisici del Piemonte  Valle d’Aosta
  3. Nadia Cordero representative for Piedmont Region 
  4. Alessandro Bertello representative for Città Metropolitana

Representatives from Industrial world

  1. Paola Tiberto INRIM Responsible of the Division " Innovative materials metrology and life science"
  2. Vito Lambertini CRF
  3. Stefano Culasso ITT
  4. Michela Nurisso SIGIT

This committee carries out the following tasks:

  • Analysis of professional needs and potential developments in the field.
  • Analysis of the legal framework related to the profession.
  • Analysis of the Study Program's educational offerings and verification of their alignment with the needs of the Materials sector.
  • Promotion of awareness among the business community regarding new professional roles introduced by university reform.
  • Promotion of curricular and extracurricular activities. Assistance in finding companies for internships.

Verbale Comitato di Indirizzo del 22/11/23




  • Prof.ssa Maria Cristina PAGANINI
  • Prof.ssa Paola RIZZI
  • Prof.ssa Silvia BORDIGA 
  • Prof. Paolo OLIVERO 
  • Prof.ssa Elena GROPPO  (supplente)
  • Prof.ssa Claudia BAROLO (supplente)
  • Prof. Lorenzo MASCHIO (supplente)
  • Prof. Mauro PALUMBO(supplente)
  • Prof.ssa Nadia BARBERO (suppente)
  • Prof.ssa Giuseppina CERRATO (supplente)
  • Prof.ssa Linda PASTERO (supplente)
  • Dott. Mauro SGROI (supplente)
  • Dott.ssa Valentina CROCELLA' (supplente)
  • Dott. Matteo SIGNORILE (supplente)
  • Dott. Adrien MATENCIO DURAN (supplente)
  • Dott. Fabrizio CALDERA (supplente)

Tasks: The committee has decision-making power, granted by the Study Program Council, regarding preliminary admission applications, in particular:

  • Decides on the automatic admission of undergraduate graduates in Materials Science from Torino.
  • Evaluates the qualifications and conducts admission interviews for Italian or foreign students who meet the curriculum requirements and come from other Italian/foreign universities, and decides on their admission.


Coordinator Prof.ssa Cristina PAGANINI



The Monitoring and Review Committee is part of the Degree Course Council. It comprises the Course President as Coordinator, Quality Assurance manager, lecturers and students, appointed by the Council from Council lecturers and students enrolled in the Degree Course, respectively, appointed by student representatives.

The Commission has the following purposes

  • Monitoring and dialogue between lecturers and students concerning the effectiveness and purpose of teaching, curriculum, course content, tutoring and services for students, course indicators and student opinion;
  • Self-assessment and drafting Course Review Reports and monitoring proposed corrective actions;
  • Supporting the Course President when preparing and updating the information in the Course description;
  • Liaising with the administration offices for issues within the Commission's remit.

Academic body page

This is the main assessment body which oversees degree course design, structure and outcome, paying close attention to students’ point of view and far-reaching influence, which in turn complement the centrally managed Quality Presidium and Assessment Board. The Joint Teaching Commission publishes an Annual Report, which includes:

  • Random assessment of all course descriptions and quality control of degree course records
  • Monitoring improvement which the Assessment Board had previously identified in self-assessments or observations
  • In-depth study of EduMeter results - including interviews with the Boards' student self-assessment committees - and follow-up of student reports.

The Quality Presidium collects the Annual Reports and sends them to MUR, the University Assessment Committee and Academic Senate.

Joint Teaching Commissions also formulate opinions on new courses, make major changes to teaching regulations and proposals to change the degree course location or request a new location.


Last update: 31/10/2024 10:54
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