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Thesis preparation and defense

The final examination requires writing an original dissertation to be presented and discussed in front of an ad-hoc Graduation Committee, composed by at least seven members of the staff.
The Thesis is elaborated by the student (under the supervision of a professor) on a topic agreed with the supervisor. The manuscript has to be written in english.

  • Poster "Available thesis topics":

 General information

  • External available thesis topics

              - 5 months stage (Masther Thesis) with potential further PhD position (Rennes, France) : Synthesis and crystallochemistry of materials for energy conversion : copper sulfides and oxy-sulfides for thermoelectricity. Supervisors : C. Prestino, P. Lemoine. More information.

Thesis defence
On the day of the final examination, the student illustrates and defends the thesis in front of the Graduation Committee. The Committee's questions are usually postponed to the end of the presentation. The time allocated to each candidate's presentation is 20 minutes.

Important Information About Intenship CHI0164 (old CHI0028) Your Thesis, Final Exam And Overall Evaluation Of Your Degree

Please note:
Registration of credits for the internship laboratory
Students are reminded that in order to graduate they must have their 15 credits  to be officially registered to the thesis discussion.
Credit registration must take place at least 1 month before the discussion of the thesis and it is the responsibility of the the candidate's thesis supervisor to request the curriculum manager to open the credit registration file. CHI0164 (old CHI0028) carries an approved/not approved evaluation.

It is only possible for these credits to be registered after the candidate has met with its supervisor and co-examiner. During the meeting the candidate explains the main findings of his/her research and shows that a draft plan for the thesis has been drawn up. The purpose of this meeting is to verify that the candidate has achieved sufficient mastery of the subject and is on the way towards completion of the master thesis.

Submission deadlines for your thesis manuscript and summary
Every student at the final year must submit the final version of hid/her thesis in electronic format to his/her supervisor and co-examiner within the deadline before the beginning of the graduation session. Your supervisor and co-examiner may also request a copy of the thesis in paper format.

One week before the date of the graduation session, a summary of the thesis (maximum 3 pages using 1-line spacing and font-size 11, according to the attached instructions) must be sent in electronic format to the didactic manager: Elisabetta Buzzoni

For all students intending to prepare their thesis abroad or in Turin:

  1. it is ESSENTIAL to have a UNITO supervisor (from the Department of Chemistry or Physics).
  2. It is necessary to fill out the thesis initiation form and have it signed by the supervisor. The form must be sent to the supervisor, the educational manager Dr. Elisabetta Buzzoni (, and the course director Professor Maria Cristina Paganini (
  3. Thesis carried out abroad independently without the involvement of a UNITO supervisor will NOT be considered.

Note: Title achievement new online process

The achievement title process gets new and easier in order to get a better collaboration between students, teachers and administrative offices.

By the autumn 2023-24 degree session (october - november 2024)

Please find detailed instruction

Here are the steps required for online degree application:

  1. Preliminary contact with the supervisor:
    Before submitting your online degree application, you must contact the teacher/lecturer you wish to designate as a supervisor. It is important to propose a thesis topic, a title and obtain her/his consent.
  2. Be careful to respect the timetable for submitting
  3. Starting the online procedure:
    The student begins the online procedure of the degree application from his/her personal MyUniTo area, indicating the title of the thesis and the chosen supervisor, who receives the proposal.
  4. The designated thesis supervisor will accept your demand and the state of your demand will turn into “Accepted”.
  5. Completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire and degree application
    After completing the Almalaurea questionnaire, the graduating student continues with the online degree application from his/her personal MyUniTo area, following the detailed instructions in the manual indicated above. During this phase, the student enters information such as
    - type of thesis,
    - abstract,
    - thesis title in English
  6. Pay the fee for the title achievement and upload the required files
  7. Loading the final thesis:The student uploads the final file of the thesis within the deadlines indicated in the "Schedule".
  8. Final approval:
    The  supervisor formally approves the elaboration of the thesis through telematic confirmation.
    The status of the attachment becomes “Approved”

If there is a change in your plans

If you have already filed your online request to graduate but for some reason there is a change of plan, you must officially annul your request. This can be done:

  • by returning to the online site if the request deadline date has not expired
  • by sending a completed request form (from help desk) to the Central Student Office if the request deadline date has  expired

Please remember, if you annul your request to graduate, the system will not automatically upload a new request and your documents for the next graduation session. You must make a new request for the next date and upload your documents  (see 1 above) again. Your Graduation Fee Payment remains valid if you have already paid and does not need to be repeated.

Your Degree Graduation Parchment

Your Degree Graduation Parchment will be printed approximately four months after your graduation. To receive your parchment, you  by sending a completed request form (from help desk) to the Central Student Office to check your parchment is ready and then make an appointment via the online booking system for collection.


Academic year Thesis Defence Dates Online application and registration of any outstanding exams PDF Online submission
Summer Session
12/07/2024** From 20/05/2024 to 13/06/2024 4 p.m. By 02/07/2024 4 p.m.

2023-24 Autumn Session

25/10/2024 From 11/09/2024  to 24/09/2024 4 p.m. By 14/10/2024 4 p.m.
2023-24 Extraordinary Session 11/04/2025 From 03/02/2025 to 20/02/2025  4 p.m. By 21/3/2025 4 p.m.

** Students applying for the summer thesis defence session have some extra time for registering their exams. However any outstanding exams must be registered not later than ten days before the thesis defence date. This requirement is more stringent for students who have gone beyond the regular duration of the program ("Fuori corso"). In this case, in which case the last exam must be registered not later than the deadline for the thesis defence application.

Graduation Commission year 2024




Graduation Commission year 2023



19/04/2024 (last updated: 9/04/24)

Graduation Commission year 2022


24/10/2022 (last updated: 17/10/22)

05/04/2023 (last updated: 29/03/23)


Graduation Commission year 2021

Last update: 23/07/2024 16:38
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